This is the day I reveal or touch a more grown up subject matter. I will try to keep it tasteful and as to the point as I can.
Some subject matters may be informative others may just be sharing a particular occurrence in my life.
Mommywoods purpose is to touch all matters in the world of Motherhood. For some of us it includes being a Divorced, Widowed or in my case a Single parent.
In this world that includes loads of stuff one of which is...Dating.
I met and shared my life in a non traditional "marriage" with my daughter's father for 18 years. That means to me, that since the age of 18 we shared a life together without a marriage certificate as common law Husband and Wife. We were just as committed to our family without the "certificate" as if with. Throughout those 18 years we grew time and time again, as in life we are always changing and what a blessing that is. Some changes put you on different roads and that is what happened to us. We shared an amazing life, lots of love, respect, tears, laughter but most importantly a wonderful, beautiful, loving daughter. We were blessed to end things still with love and respect intact. We could not imagine disrespecting our union by having it end in any other way.
Two years after that I met and fell in love with another amazing man. This man taught me everything about being clear in life with what you want and what you say. He taught me to respect time and to appreciate the moment as it is not after it is gone.
Because I was not open to receive those lessons at the time, because of Pride and Ego and poor habits some of us carry from our families that great union ended 2 years later.
The biggest lesson I took from that was Empathy. We are not perfect, humans were not meant to be perfect but through communication, love and Empathy we can grow, learn, support and Rise Above any challenge...Together.
So here I find myself again Single and Dating. What a crazy, amazing, challenging, scary, sad and funny world this is all wrapped up into one. I have had some interesting dates and not so interesting dates. I have gone to some great new places and to not so great places. It has so far balanced out. My adult self today is not looking for or interested in the man my younger self was into years ago.
I am Clear in what I want in my life and I am grateful for all the experiences that I have acquired that will now allow me to be in a great space to be Open to meet that next Amazing man. Lets see what life has in store for me and I will share, what I can of course some bits and pieces of this journey!!!
Here's to Dating in your 40's.
Hey lady, whats kicking? Good post, I can relate being a single lady myself. You know its amazing how much we go through in life and still continue to find the days to be strong. As a single mom and woman, with a career and responsibilitles we have a lot of our shoulders and in this life we have to be able to live laugh and enjoy our time. Hats of the the guy who taught you so much, how often do you met men like that. A true blessing to you and in learning from him you have changed your outlook and you know what you want in life. Now only if that guy of mine would fix his GPS and come and find me :). I mentioned you in my last post hope you get a chance to check it Love A Blogger
ReplyDeleteCamii always grateful for your support and comments :). Well lets keep our fingers crossed that GPS gets its act together soon xoxo. I will def go visit and check out your latest work of art!
ReplyDeleteIam not single but will say cheers!! Enjoy and life is about learning and hope you will meet your prince ;)
ReplyDeleteYasmina, thanks for visit. Yes enjoying life indeed as for the Prince, I don't want him just the nice man that will respect and honor me oh and make me laugh all the time :). Hope to see you again.