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Thursday, October 6, 2016

Broiled Eggplant with melted Pepper Jack Cheese

Hey everyone! Summer is officially over Fall is here and I am back in the kitchen. I have been researching ways to make my meal prep time even smoother than normal for me and my family. Luckily I follow some amazing women who are doing just that, some prep meals for a whole month! I will be sure to share what tricks and tips I learn with you.
In the meantime I have found another love on Netflix...Luke Cage!!! This is what I eat as I watched.

Thursday's Treat...Broiled Eggplant with melted Pepper Jack Cheese!

-olive oil
-balsamic vinegar
-lemon pepper
-Sazon Tropical (or any fav herbs)

In a large boil add 1 1/2tbsps of Balsamic Vin, 3tbsps of olive oil, 1/4tsp of oregano, pinch of salt, lemon pepper to your liking, Sazon Tropical to your liking. Mix well and set aside. Take 2 large eggplants cut in half then slice again in 1/4 or 1/2 inch pieces depends on how many you are serving and with your cooking brush coat the eggplant or just dip in the mix. Make sure both sides are coated evenly. Using your baking tray spray Pam or whatever non stick method you use and lay pieces out evenly. Set broiler for 6 minutes turn and set for another 4 minutes this time adding a small slice of your favorite cheese I used Pepper Jack. When cheese begins to bubble shut off and remove. Allow lite cooling and serve with salad Delish! Great new show and happy tummy enjoy :)

Always stress free xo,


  1. This looks delicious. Definitely have to give this recipe a try.

    1. Jovina it's so easy and tasty and quick! Trying to stay on the healthier side lol :) xo

  2. Mmmmm! I LOVE eggplant and will definitely try this way of cooking it. Thanks girl!

  3. What an interesting dish! Sounds great. Thanks for linking up to Merry Monday! Pinned! Have a great week!

    1. Kim thanks for commenting being that I am trying to eat healthier finding ways to enjoy my new love of Eggplants has been fun :) love the link party hope to chat again soon :)

  4. Marilyn thanks for stopping by appreciate visit


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