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Sunday, September 11, 2016

Taking the Time to Review our Progress

illustration complements of the lovely Brittany Josephina 
check her out on twitter @brittanyphina 

This is right up my ally. Every year I do just that, review how far I've come along in the goals I set out for myself at the start of the New Year. In a blink of an eye we now find ourselves in July! What's the first half of 2016 looking like? Are you where you thought you would be? Did you fall behind or get ahead of yourself? Did something get in the way and it is taking you some time to refocus?

I use a few tools to stay grounded, grateful and focused. These really work for me, especially when I look at my To Do list and see I have yet to cross anything off. As you guys well know my baby #2, my grandma who has Alzheimers always keeps me busy. My down time is actually the time I use to catch up on my own personal things or even just to breathe and do nothing. My visits to Brooklyn are increasing and my responsibilities are also increasing. She now has totally forgotten who I am it's not like before where she had good moments with me and remembered my face now I am a total stranger. I catch her asking the home attendant "who is that lady in the living room?" when I am sitting at her dining table preparing her medication. I smile to myself, walk over and introduce myself then give her a big hug and kiss and thank the universe for giving me the strength to be there for her. 

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Because I have to focus on her needs quite a bit my own goals have been pushed back some but that is ok too. Question #3 is what do I need to release right now? My answer is my wish to control how soon the projects I am working on can take off and really come to life. I have decided to delay my parenting ebook until I can dedicate more time to getting my thoughts together and in the meantime just be happy chatting it up here with you and I am holding off on my photography coffee table book till end of the year. 

Making plans, setting goals and being driven is great nothing wrong with setting things up for ourselves. It only becomes a problem when we begin to beat ourselves up for not getting to a certain place by a certain time. I use the following to stay on track:

-a pencil, as funny as that sounds it allows me to erase the date I have put on myself to reach a goal. It gives me room to adjust and not feel like I have failed.
-daily recap, it's a great way to end your evening. Once you have settled down just before you close your eyes think of all the good you did in your day not what you left to do for tomorrow.
-walk, even if its to grab the kids from school. Use that time to slow down and breathe and take in your surroundings. There are miracles everywhere.
-talking, we do some much of this during our day but what are we saying? Are we talking with people who encourage us to continue to work towards our goals? Are we talking to people who instead see obstacles instead of possibilities?
-laughter and some sweets, when all else fails find something that makes you laugh and enjoy a cup of Ice Cream or candy bar. Tomorrow is a new day and we still have six more months to make things happen! 

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What do you think? Did Brittany's questions help you refocus? Did my tips help ease your stress? We are all more alike than different, share your thoughts.

Always stress free xo,


  1. Mari, I love your half way through the year review. A pencil - what great advice. Recap, walk and talk - good stuff. Thanks for sharing your mindful approach to life.

    1. Heather, welcome thanks for stopping by and commenting. Yeah that pencil really helps lol, self care :)

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this. I think I need to take more time sit back and reflect a little more. I'm always on the go and although I do think about where I am I don't think I spend as much time as I should. Thank you for sharing this!


    1. Kimberly welcome great to see you here I love WF great reads awesome topics! Self care is so important but we tend to neglect it because we are so busy wasting our energies elsewhere. Hey now that you are aware you can get on it lol, when we know better we do better! Hope to see you here again soon. Gonna drop by WF see your latest read :)

  3. I love that you use a pencil. I think some advise to put it in ink to make yourself commit, but what does that do but give guilt. I like the pencil idea. The quote is awesome.

    1. Hey Karen! yes a pencil we are a guilt free zone here :) xo

  4. Know I have NEVER done a review, wow an amazing tool of self reflection and accountability. We really love your blog it's not your run of the mill gossip nonsense, thank you for sharing.

    1. Well no time like the present John, good luck :)

  5. I love this article. My grandmother too has Alzheimer's, and like your mother, she no longer remembers me either. Sad to watch but all you can do is be present and love her the way she is ❤️ Great tips being that it is a little dissapointong when you don't get done what you plan to.

    1. Erica welcome thanks for stopping by and commenting. I agree sad indeed but I found that once I made a game of the circumstances I didn't feel as sad so often. Of course I have moments I have to walk away to wipe some tears but hearing her laugh makes it all better. Hope to see you here again soon :)


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