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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

High School Life

Happy Wednesday a few things going on today. First I had an unexpected day off so that was great indeed. I've been home relaxing and working on some new ideas for the "look of my page". As you can see I have added some navigation tabs so you can jump right to topics of your interest. I still don't know how to add the links to such topics but I'm working on it so bare with me lol.

I also have an update on my post i-quit. If you follow me you will recall I wrote on my daughter quitting her job and why and our lengthy convo. I am proud to report, update and share that she is now a member of the Prada sales associates team. She will be working in their shoe department in SoHo NYC! I am of course as always very proud of her and her drive. Proud mommy moment indeed.

For my post today I thought I would revisit the Teenage years and the start of High School. We are about three months into the school year and I thought it would be great time to see where everyone is at...

How is our High Schooler doing so far? I wrote a post some time ago on how to prep our babies and ourselves for this new journey. I am going to include the suggestions I made on how to prep for a smoother ride.

We are entering the world of the big kids.
It is now time to even further the practice of independence and trust.
It is now time for our kids to step up and show us they have been listening and are ready to show us all they have learned.
For US as parents, it is time to loosen the cord, sit back and watch what happens.
But before all this gets put into play let’s make sure we have our ducks in order. A few things to keep in mind and start to prep for are as follows:
Let’s get our kids used to having their own alarm clock
Let’s get them ready to commute alone. Whether by bus, car or train. Practice the route either to town or in case of those in the city to another Borough.
Let’s sit and regroup. This is the time to freshen up on all those lessons we have been teaching throughout the years.
How to be a leader, how to respect others, to work hard, to try their best, to listen, to be helpful and to be true to themselves.
Most importantly, this is another opportunity to share your high school stories and memories.

Let’s go out and have fun. These four years will pass quickly before you know it.
They sure did for me :)

What are some of your H.S. stories? How are you preparing for your "babies" H.S. entry?

How did you do? Did any of those suggestions ring true in your home? Did they give you any ideas?
Do you have any suggestions of your own to make?
It's only October some of us have a ways to go so please don't be shy about sharing what could help another.

Always stress free xo.


  1. All I know is that the 4 years of high school for my sons flew by too quickly, even though it didn't seem like it when they were in school!


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